I know (from an actual DNA test) that I do better with fewer carbs, but the lack of starches on many low-carb diets makes me buggy. But that’s why Dukan’s more do-able for me because it includes oat bran in the plan. I love oat bran – it provides soluble fiber and it keeps me full forever. Dukan sells its own brand of organic oat bran as well as oat bran bars, turkey jerky and more in its online store.
The Dukan Diet consists of four eating phases to reach and keep your True Weight. Each person’s True Weight is based on answers to a few short questions. You can calculate your True Weight at DukanDiet.com.
The diet doesn’t count calories – instead it emphasizes lean protein, lots of water, daily walking and unrestricted amounts of 100 healthy foods.
But some people find it hard to go it alone with just a book, and now the Dukan Diet offers weight loss coaching. Dukan coaches tailor users’ plans to each person's Dukan Diet profile and lifestyle to help them maintain long-term weight loss. The eating program is adjusted every day, based on your report from the previous day. I talked with Dukan’s nutritionist Simone Gloger and asked her about the concept of True Weight, which seems a lot more achievable than the “one-size-fits-all” goal weight standard of many diet plans and doctors.
“[Dr.] Pierre Dukan takes into consideration different factors when you calculate your True Weight, like how times you’ve been pregnant, how many diets you’ve done, your body frame and all those other components,” she said. “If you were pregnant before it will add on a few pounds for each pregnancy. If you’ve done four diets in the past, you will be more resistant to weight loss so that could add on a pound. Those factors help to calculate your True Weight and then your True Weight is something that is maintainable.”
Age also factors in – for every decade, another pound is added onto the True Weight.
Some people will tell their coach that they want to weigh less than their True Weight but the coach will warn them that the lower number will be more difficult to maintain over the long term.
The Dukan coach will also come up with ways to overcome plateaus, stoke your flagging motivation and provide meal ideas, and you can call or email them any time.
Out of town? You can call your coach and peruse the menu with them to come up with the best meal option.
- Right now you can get 25 percent off coaching with the code J13BG25 when you sign up at dukandiet.com. You can also find out more about the plan on Twitter at twitter.com/DukanCoaching and on Facebook at facebook.com/TheDukanDiet for more info about the diet and products.
This is a sponsored post for Dukan Diet.